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Note from ETS Website: The selected-response questions in the School Leaders Licensure Assessment (6990) practice test are identical to the questions on the Praxis® Educational Leadership: Administration and Supervision (5412) assessment practice test.
So, the test prep for Multiple Choice for 6990 will also help with 5412. I suggest this course focused only on the multiple choice for 5412 test takers (click here).
Schedule 1:1 time to get help with your test prep
(have me review your constructed response answers or let's discuss how to break down questions),
help with your application for certification/portfolio, how to start your business
or whatever you may want 1:1 help with.
School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) 6990
Successful School Leadership
Through the PSEL Webinar 6990
Pathways to Educational Leadership Certification in Louisiana